Author TW Brown Welcomes Kidney Stone “Karl” and Begins to Read His Book-of-the-Month: “Dead Trees”

March is already proving to be a bang-up month this year! My 28th birthday is right around the corner, “Let’s Scare Cancer to Death” publishes soon, “Dead Trees” is Author TW Brown‘s blog book of the month and the first week of March has started with double snow days. Nothing better than cuddling up with the family and watching movies!
So, while I head off to watch another episode of Star Trek: Enterprise, why don’t you head over to TW Brown’s BlogSpot ( and read today’s posting, “Welcome back from the land of the (nearly) dead…”?
I think all of Todd’s followers are glad to hear that he’s on the road to recovery and we send him our sincerest congratulations on the birth of his kidney stone, “Karl.” It’s our hope that the coming days will bring Todd much happiness with lessened birth pain and the enjoyment of Karl’s life outside the urinary tract.
Consider hopping over to Amazon, picking up a copy of “Dead Trees,” and joining Todd as he reads his chosen book of the month. purchase link: