Band of Dystopian Authors & Fans Zombie Crawl 2 Blog Party!! Z Children: The Rising (ZC2) COVER REVEAL

Happy Thursday, zombie lovers, and welcome to another day of the BoD Zombie Crawl 2 Blog Party!

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There are still some great posts coming up, with some amazing prizes to be won, so make sure you keep checking back to each blog and entering the different giveaways. – See more at:

So excited to be a part of #bodzcrawl 2, 2015!

I’ve been sitting on this cover for months as my coauthor B.V. Barr and I worked hard on the sequel to this past summer’s full-length entrance into the Z Children world, Z Children: Awakening (excerpt below! First appearance of the Z Children world in Let’s Scare Cancer to Death, MayDecember Publications). Z Children: The Rising is finally drafted! *Happy Dance* But we still have a long road ahead of us with edits and rewriting. Fingers crossed, look for Z Children 2 at the end of November!

I hope you enjoy the teasers and excerpts!

*Make sure to go to the bottom of the post and find out how to enter the giveaway for an eBook copy of Let’s Scare Cancer to Death, Fading Hope, Z Children: Awakening & Dead Trees 1.

**Cover Reveal**

(Back text subject to change)



(unofficial, subject to change)

The Z-Children have risen… and they’re hungry.

As a foghorn sounds loudly in the distance, attracting the hungry foaming mouths of the Z-Children to the Corpus Christi marina, Juan’s group stares across the water at the Fields’s boat. Susan and her family set sail for the safety of the wild blue ocean and she can only pray that she’s making the right decision in leaving everyone and everything behind her. Miles away, JW stares through his scope getting ready for the smash-and-grab of a lifetime and also wonders if he’s made the right choice.

Z-Children have swarmed the country faster than anyone could have predicted. What were once quaint family towns are now zombie-infested hellholes. The country is on its knees.

Groups of survivors will divide and face separate horrors. Those with little hope will finally reconnect with loved ones, just to be ripped apart once again. And new characters with tragic stories and the hunger to survive will enter the picture.

In Z Children: The Rising, the red war continues to rage between Z-Children and mankind.

“The second installment of the Z-Children series is even better than the first. More action, more terror, more tears, and more death.”

Claire C. Riley

Bestselling British Horror writer

And USA Today bestseller

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Z Children: The Rising (excerpt, unedited & subject to change)

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I had done it again—listened to a noob and we’d ended up stuck.


The doctor had convinced me that the safest way out of the hospital was through the construction area. Sure, it was safe with not a Z kid in sight, but safety had ended at the cafeteria. And that was about as safe as razor blades in a birthday piñata. I should have asked more questions before taking Chris’s word.

The fucking cafeteria was crawling with the monsters—short and tall.

Z adults were ambling about. One was knocking its head into the wall repeatedly as if trying to lodge something from memory. Maybe its living name or maybe some image that wouldn’t die along with its humanity. There was a cluster of Z kids on the serving counter. Two were straddling a tall woman—not a woman, a Z adult now—with rich brown skin and curly hair that was coated in a layer of, what looked like, whipped cream.

The monster kids were everywhere really, outnumbering the adults by a mile. They’d gathered here, apparently, for the junk food. Surprise, surprise. Kids will be kids, even when they’re certifiably undead—like those creepy ass triplets outside the ice cream shop when I’d first seen Virginia. Just perched on the trunk of that car, enjoying scoops of quickly-melting chocolate in the sunshine.

Watching the Zs in the cafeteria—munching on candy bars, ding-dongs and moon pies—would have almost been comical except for the fact that these junk-food-loving monsters also craved human flesh and blood.


A mere two yards from the door that was protecting us from the chaos within the cafeteria, was a Z boy who was studying something on the floor intently. Following his (no, its…I had to keep reminding myself that they weren’t boys or girls or kids. They were ‘its’. Monsters. Creatures. Zombies. Undead.) gaze toward the pale industrial tile, I saw something miniscule and black rushing across the smooth surface. A bug of some type.

The Z kid followed the insect, eventually falling to all-fours and moving like the animal it was. The bug’s trajectory took it further away from our position. I wondered how long the monster would chase the insect, how long it would be distracted.

I didn’t have to wonder for long.

Seconds later the Z pounced, slamming his fingers around the tiny bug’s body and screeching in triumph. Bringing his domed hands to his eyes, he peered into a small gap between his digits to admire his prize.

Then, in a lightning-fast motion, he slammed his hands against his mouth. When he brought them down again, they were no longer shaped into a small cage. And the insect was gone.

Now, I’d eaten worse—in the field, when wildlife gets into your food, you suck it up and swallow it down (roaches in brazil come to mind)—but watching the boy play hunter and eat his catch made bile rise inside my mouth. It was just a bug, just a damn bug, but I wanted to shoot the Z over it.

Maybe it was because watching the monster chase the bug was too lifelike. It was something I’d seen children do—so fascinated by ants on the sidewalk. I didn’t like it. If these Z kids were dead creatures, horrible and blood-thirsty, then they should not be allowed innocent actions and awareness.

It was just fucking wrong.

Add Z Children: The Rising to your Goodreads shelf:

FINAL ZC2 POSTER 1 w effects

Z Children: Awakening

(excerpt, available now on Amazon)

It didn’t open! What the hell? I pushed harder and looked down to see if the door was locked. My eyes were greeted by a little red sign over the release lever. HOLD FOR 15 SECONDS UNTIL ALARM SOUNDS. Crap. That’s less than ideal. They’re going to hear that sucker a mile away and make a beeline for my ass. Holding my breath, I pushed and held the release in place.

The emergency alarm blared to life and a split-second later, the door clicked and swung open. Without hesitation, I bolted across the threshold and ran. My legs pumped back and forth, my sensible shoes slapping the pavement in a rushed rhythm.

A gunshot sounded to my left and I turned quickly, almost falling over my own feet and face-planting on the asphalt. John Croxton, one of the deputy sheriffs, was firing warning shots over a crowd of people moving toward him. Coming to a halt, I opened my mouth to yell, to warn him that the mob couldn’t be reasoned with. I saw the children in the crowd, they moved faster than the adults, moved toward John… closer, closer. John fired again. I couldn’t look away. Morbid fascination- a brutal car crash on the freeway.

The children were upon him now. I watched as his body disappeared beneath the swarm of ringlets and bloody, cherub cheeks. I listened as he fired a last desperate shot into the air. And then his gun was silenced, replaced by his screams… an infinitely more disturbing sound than a gun shot.

Something told me to move, something primitive, something ancient. My inner self prodded me to run- like a hot poker on my backside. I snapped into action. The emergency alarm was still screeching and the infected children were beginning to look my way. My feet started pounding against the pavement again. I counted the footfalls, trying to ignore the snarling and spitting in the distance behind me.

I was almost at my house. So close. Only one more street to cross.

Everything around me was in ruin. People were screaming; a man was beating a child with a garbage can; an elderly woman was lying on the ground, an old wooden cane her only defense against an attacker with blonde pigtails. Percy, the local handyman, was fending off a preteen with a hammer. But he couldn’t defend himself from all sides. I gasped as a boy bounded on all fours towards Percy from behind. I was close enough to hear the squelching, flesh-ripping sound as the man lost a chunk of his calf. I flinched as Percy fell forward, the hammer useless against such calculated viciousness.

It was too much. I couldn’t handle this. How could I survive on my own? When so many were dying… so much fear?

I pushed harder, sprinting as fast as I could, fully focused on getting to my house. Getting to a phone. Because I realized that I didn’t have to be alone. It was a stupid, stupid time to realize that I needed Chris. But I did. I needed Chris. Not just because the world had gone to shit, but because if the world went to shit, I’d want to be with Chris until the end. It was just that simple.

Right foot down. Left foot down. Right foot down. Left foot down.

I could do this; I could make it home, pack a bag, and take the Jag to Dallas. I’d get Chris. We’d be safe together. And I’d wear that damn engagement ring with pride.

All I could think about was Chris now. I should have been paying attention to my surroundings.

Crossing the last street, I didn’t look left or right.

Just a little further and I’d be home.

The car seemed to come out of nowhere- they always do when you aren’t paying attention.


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Fantastic sky presages apocalypse

Thank you for reading! I hope that you enjoy the rest of the blog crawl & look for Z Children: The Rising this winter!

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Please remember to visit all of the stops and ‘share’ ‘like’ and ‘enter’ all of the giveaways! There are some great participants this year and I hope that you meet some new authors and blogs.

Your #bodzcrawl 2 host on this lovely Thursday, Eli ❤

Eli ConstantEli Constant

Eli attended USC-L, Columbia College, Texas A&M, & George Mason University. She studied everything from Mariculture to Differential Equations. Settling on Biology, Eli participated in research fellowships in Texas and at NIH, worked a few random jobs, and finally settled into a Virginia lab where she focused on mastering diagnosis procedures and implementations of histology and pathology.

Choosing to be a dedicated homemaker after the birth of her first child, Eli rediscovered her passion for writing—a passion once alive and kindled during her time at Charleston School for the Arts in SC as a child.

Now, nearly four years later, she’s never regretted the decision; not only are her kids the most amazing creatures, but writing fulfills her soul in a way science never did.

Her style is eclectic and she frequently produces true mash-ups of style and genre. Her characters are real—light and dark and everything in between—and her storylines, although sometimes convoluted, often hide deeper core meaning that makes her readers truly think.


Eli is the author of Dead Trees, Dead Trees 2, Mastic, The Water is Sweeter, Sleeping in the Forest of Shadows, DRAG.N & Z Children: Awakening. She is a contributing author to Let’s Scare Cancer to Death, State of Horror: New Jersey, State of Horror: Illinois, & Fading Hope. Her books are available in eBook, paperback, & audio formats.

Stalk Eli on social media:

Twitter @Author_EliC
Books on Amazon:…

B.V. Barr

author pic dad

Ben has been teaching Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape (SERE) since 1981 when he joined the USAF as a “Survival Instructor”. In that Thirty plus year period he has taught all aspects of SERE, trained at both domestic and international schools, written SERE doctrine and instruction, researched and developed cutting edge techniques for dealing with both psychological and physical challenges and injuries, tested equipment and wrote evaluations on results. He is a Master Instructor.

The groups and individuals whom Ben has instructed and/or developed programs for include people from various military branches, government agencies, and civilians from all different backgrounds. Members of the Rangers, Green Berets, Pararescue, Combat Control, Navy SEALs, Air Force Crew Members and MARSOC are just some who Ben has taught. Outside the military he has taught people from the DEA, Local Law Enforcement, Department of Natural Resources, the FBI and other Federal Agencies. Equally adept at teaching civilian groups, Ben has instructed various lessons and developed programs for groups such as the Girls Scouts of America, South Carolina public schools, Covenant Heights and others.

Unlike many Instructors in the “survival training” world, Ben brings to the table both experience from training as well as experience from some of the toughest streets and locations in the world. Ben has won Instructor of the Year three times, nominated for twelve outstanding Airman awards, awarded numerous decorations and developed some of the most complex and sophisticated training courses in the world. Based on this, Ben has created courses in Travel Safety, Hostage Survival, Field Survival and now exclusive to the Universal Survival Innovations World, “Street Smarts” and “Get of the X”, both of which have their bases in real training for highly specialized people.

Ben just isn’t another Instructor. In many cases He wrote the book.

Z Children: Awakening was his first foray into fictional publishing.

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Zombie Crawl 2 – Blog Party October 22 – 31, 2015

by Band of Dystopian Authors & Fans

How it works: Each day, the scheduled authors and bloggers will post awesome zombie-tastic content for your enjoyment along with a giveaway on their site/blog/page. You can hop around to all of the participating sites and enter as many giveaways as you like! If you would like to be emailed links to the new posts each day, join this Zombie Crawl Daily Digest list which will ensure you don’t miss a post (or join the party on Facebook to get notifications). Make sure to leave comments and interact with the participating sites. Thanks for joining the party!

The Schedule:

OCTOBER 22 – Thursday Band of Dystopian Authors & Fans (Party & Grand Prize Host) Jo Michaels Blog (author) Rissa Blakeley (author)

OCTOBER 23 – Friday Claire C. Riley (author) 2 Girls & A Book (blog) Emily Shore (author)

OCTOBER 24 – Saturday Kathy Dinisi (author) Us Girls & A Book (blog) The Voluptuous Book Diva (blog 18+)

OCTOBER 25 – Sunday Casey L. Bond (author) THE KATY blog (blog)

OCTOBER 26 – Monday Saul Tanpepper (author) Warren Fielding (author) The Leighgendarium (blog)

OCTOBER 27 – Tuesday Kody Boye (author) Rhiannon Frater (author) ER Arroyo (author)

OCTOBER 28 – Wednesday Allen Gamboa (author) Armand Rosamilia (author) Ethan @ One Guy’s Guide to Good Reads (blog)

OCTOBER 29 – Thursday Kate L. Mary (author) aftershockzombieseries (author) Eli Constant (author)

OCTOBER 30 – Friday Aria Michaels (author) Brian Parker (author) Mama Reads Hazel Sleeps (blog)

OCTOBER 31 – Saturday Cindy Carroll (author) M. R. Pritchard (author) Toni L.H. Boughton (author) Digital Dirty Girl (blog)

To learn more about Band of Dystopian and/or to enter our Grand Prize Giveaway, visit and don’t forget to join the group on Facebook!


bodz crawl giveaway


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ODIUM II: The Dead Saga RELEASE DAY!! 5.9.2014



Claire C Riley is one of my FAVORITE AUTHORS and a rising star to watch. Her new book, ODIUM II: The Dead Saga, comes out today and I’m THRILLED. Read the book blurb & my review below!


ODIUM II: The Dead Saga Blurb:

Fortune favors…the DEAD!

Some secrets are too horrific to ever be forgiven, and some people should never be trusted.

Tortured, starved, and on the run, Nina thinks she’s faced the worst that mankind has to offer, but she’s wrong. She may have survived this long, but she hasn’t come out of it unscathed, and there’s worse to come.

Nina’s trusty Doc Martens are showing signs of the zombie apocalypse, and she isn’t faring much better. With her snarky attitude guaranteed to get her in trouble, Nina needs to forgive the past, to live once more in the present, and learn that sometimes she needs to place her trust in other people.

Because when people are faced with the end of times, they’ll do anything to survive.


I have to say, this book was just… it was awesome, better than the first (and that’s really saying something since the first book was a brilliant entrance into the world of zombies).


Read my FIVE STAR Review (on, Goodreads &

Twisted. Breaking. And a Reveal that Punches you in the Face. FIVE, highly deserved, STARS

ODIUM II: The Dead Saga by Claire C Riley
High Five, Claire! You’ve produced another example of why you’re one of my favorite authors and a rising star to watch. Speaking of stars- can you say 5 stars? If I could rate this book higher, you bet your sweet buttocks I would.

Readers fell in love with Nina’s snark and Doc Martens in ODIUM I. And it was gut-wrenching when the first book ended, leaving us with absolutely no idea what would happen to the main characters at the hands of the Forgotten. So, when I heard that the second book was coming out in May, I marked it on my calendar- with a big, bloody red ‘X’. Well, not blood, but sharpie. Close enough.

The beginning of the book is brutal. Nina is being tortured to within an inch of her sanity, Mikey seems to have turned-coat and rejoined the Forgotten and Emily, well, she seems to be sitting pretty contributing to the community with every strand of hair unharmed. How does this make Nina feel? Understandably… pissed off.

Of course, nothing is what it seems and Claire C Riley takes us on a twisted journey where the travels of our main characters are punctuated by a new duo… a couple, the woman pregnant, running from something. Something more terrible than the Forgotten. That’s hard to imagine, that there’s something in Claire’s dystopian, deader-ridden landscape worse than brutal humans willing to do anything (and I mean anything) to survive.

Okay, I don’t want to give too much away here. What’s another point I want to make… Oh, yes.

Sometimes, when you read this type of book (this genre, etc.), you end up with a book that is either ‘too brutal’ or ‘too vague’. For example, pages and pages of gore with no levity OR, endless movement through scenes that lack descriptions that really bring a reader into the landscape of the book. Claire threads levity and heartfelt scenes throughout her book in the form of a young couple that is clinging to the world that they ‘remembered’ so they could mentally survive the apocalypse. It’s strange and causes me to quirk an eyebrow, but it’s also a perfect picture of how different people may cope with the ‘end’. On the subject of descriptions and details- Claire is aces at it. She brings every sense into the read- even evoking a sense of smell, of touch. After some zombie-killing scenes, I could actually taste the rotting, pungent flesh. Gross, but highly effective.

Now, again, I don’t want to give too much away here, but there is a huge reveal towards the end of the book, when Nina is faced with the madness of certain new characters. Just when you think Nina’s had it, a twist punches the reader square in the jaw. And… oh… that reveal. Trust me, your eyes will widen, your stomach will drop and all you’ll be able to think is ‘WTF?!’.

So, that’s my spoiler-free, 2 cents. Read the book. (Read the first book if you haven’t). It’ll capture you, lock you in a vice, and leave you dry-heaving. It’s that damn good.



Claire C Riley Bio


Odium. The Dead Saga is a top #100 dystopian selling book on for 2013, Indie book of the day winner December 2013 and Indie Author Land 50 best self-published books worth reading 2013/14

Limerence featured book in the Guardian newspaper for best Indie novel 2013


Claire C Riley’s work is best described as the modernization of classic, old-school horror. She fuses multi-genre elements to develop storylines that pay homage to cult-classics while still feeling fresh and cutting-edge. She writes characters that are realistic and kills them without mercy.


Claire is the author of “Limerence,” “Odium. The Dead Saga,” “Odium Origins. A Dead Saga Novella Part One,” “Odium II The Dead Saga” “Odium Origins A Dead Saga Novella Part Two” and a proud contributor to the charity anthology “Let’s Scare Cancer to Death.”


Claire lives in the UK with her husband, three daughters and one scruffy dog.


Coming up in 2014 are several projects including, “Odium III The Dead Saga,” “Odium Origins A Dead Saga Novella Part Three,” “Nina’s Odium,” “Limerence II: Mia,” plus anthology contributions to several exciting projects including “Fading Hope,” “The Murderous Campbell’s,” and “State of Horror: Illinois.”


She can be stalked at any of the following.


Purchasing links for Odium The Dead Saga

UK Amazon Link

USA Amazon Link


Purchasing links for Odium Origins Part One.

USA Amazon link

UK Amazon link.


Purchasing links for Odium II. The Dead Saga


** To be confirmed **


Trailers. (Embedded codes)


Odium Origins A Dead Saga Novella Part One Trailer

Odium II The Dead Saga

<iframe id=”vp1Vxawj” title=”Video Player” width=”544″ height=”306″ frameborder=”0″ src=”” allowfullscreen></iframe

Odium The Dead Saga Trailer




Just a quick announcement!

In anticipation of the release of “Dead Trees 2”, “Dead Trees 1” is on sale this weekend- starting today! Get your copy for only $0.99! Sale ends Sunday at midnight.


Dead Trees:


Subterranean humanoids, existing since the dawn of man, arose from the belly of the planet. Humanity was unprepared. The undergrounders came with nails and claws and speed to kill people in the night, dragging bodies downward into dark tunnels teeming with rabid life. Civilization is now a ghost of yesterday and the remaining humans fight for survival.

One thing’s for sure- a scientist mommy battling beasties better be handy with a scalpel. 

Elise Swanson is a widow and mother. She fights and prays that she can keep her little, broken family safe. She drives and drives, day after day, trying to escape a threat that seems… inescapable. Her hope fades, food is scarce and she watches her eldest daughter’s attempts to soothe the younger babe. Then she meets Jason- a father mourning the loss of his son, masking his pain with bravado and charm. He’s strong, despite his sadness, and love re-grows within him. Weeks pass and Jason’s singular desire becomes the continued safety of Elise and her daughters.

Bloody fights with beasties define the survival-road the companions travel. Even a few moments of safety and relaxation elude the group; time and time again, Elise must kiss her children goodbye, just in case tomorrow never arrives.

Against all odds, they reach a government safe zone. Even there, Elise finds that there’s no rest for the weary.

Doctors O’Toole and Peters have been studying the beasties under lock and key, trying to find an answer, but the doctors aren’t interested in saving humanity. Forced to lead two lives, Elise assists the good doctors in their pursuits while working secretly in sublevel lab 8 with her own team, Nick and Jamie. Their combined knowledge may be the key- the only hope humanity has of reclaiming the planet from the beasties. As long as they can keep their research secret, safe from O’Toole and Peters, they might discover the way home, the formula to click Dorothy’s sparkling red shoes three times and begin to recreate Earth as it was… before the humanoids came out to play on the surface. 

What will happen when Elise, a neural engineer, Jamie, a medical researcher, and Nick, a computer wizard, are humanity’s best hope? The answer might be surprising. Wrapped up in all the uncertainty, violence, science lingo and beasties, they will find a strange solution to a new Earth.

And her name is Margaret.


DEAD TREES 2 | Cover Reveal

***Cover Reveal***

Huge thanks to Claire Riley, Jerry Benns, Margie Colton, Ken Mooney, Jack Wallen & Becky Stephens. At points during this artistic project, all of you provided feedback, suggestions & encouragement! Thanks also to my sister, artist R.A. Newton, for her discerning eye- she’s the only person who realized I’d placed an element on backwards. Silly me.

I’m awfully glad that I decided the original mockup just wasn’t good enough. So- without further nonsense- here’s the official cover for DEAD TREES 2!

(look for the official chapter teaser for DT2 this weekend)
(add it to your Goodreads bookshelf:

Dead Trees 2 New Final Cover 2

Author TW Brown Welcomes Kidney Stone “Karl” and Begins to Read His Book-of-the-Month: “Dead Trees”

March is already proving to be a bang-up month this year! My 28th birthday is right around the corner, “Let’s Scare Cancer to Death” publishes soon, “Dead Trees” is Author TW Brown‘s blog book of the month and the first week of March has started with double snow days. Nothing better than cuddling up with the family and watching movies!
So, while I head off to watch another episode of Star Trek: Enterprise, why don’t you head over to TW Brown’s BlogSpot ( and read today’s posting, “Welcome back from the land of the (nearly) dead…”?
I think all of Todd’s followers are glad to hear that he’s on the road to recovery and we send him our sincerest congratulations on the birth of his kidney stone, “Karl.” It’s our hope that the coming days will bring Todd much happiness with lessened birth pain and the enjoyment of Karl’s life outside the urinary tract.
Consider hopping over to Amazon, picking up a copy of “Dead Trees,” and joining Todd as he reads his chosen book of the month. purchase link:

Spotlight on Jackie Chin & Zombiepalooza Radio (



Delve into world of the undead

(Below, are excerpts from a 2013 expose on Jackie Chin’s show, Zombiepalooza. To read the article in its entirety, please click the link above. Once you understand why the show exists, you’ll find it hard not to support Zombiepalooza and keep it on the air!)


The show has a very personal reason for existing: “It was the terrors of the real world that brought Chin to the radio. She started Zombiepalooza as an instrument to help her husband, Ken Chin, overcome post-traumatic stress from a dog attack in which he was severely injured.”

            Jackie says this of the experience:

“[My husband] was no longer feeling capable of handling whatever life threw at him and this was beginning to worry me and the children,” Chin said. “So I began to think of a way to help him become more focused on something, anything positive.”


For Jackie, the show is about one thing- the guests & her listeners: “I have 250,000 listeners and the show to me is about the guests and what they bring to the show,” Chin said. “With my guests, I want to get their creativity out there, and on my show they get to promote themselves in a beautiful way. The reason why my show is so popular is because I listen to my guests and the passion for their book, film or product.”


Why does Jackie need support from folks like you? (read the reasoning as written from Zombiepalooza’s GoFundMe donation account- link is at the bottom of this section) Right now, corporate sponsorships are hard to come by, and the few which have, have wanted a hand on the helm. This would mean that Jackie would have to take control of the show from the AUDIENCE, you kind folks, and put it into the hands of someone who’s motives are unknown to us… and perhaps not in the best interests of the AUDIENCE.
      Jackie won’t have anything to do with selling you folks out because YOU are the reason for the show’s popularity.
      So now we’re forced to do something we never imagined we’d have to do …. as with public radio and television, in order for Jackie to maintain her neutrality and responsiveness to the AUDIENCE we need to ask for your help. We need donations to keep it running for the next year and for Jackie to be able to make it to the venues she’s been asked to carry the show to for live broadcasts. She’d also like to begin having contests with the ability to supply the prizes on a more timely basis rather than having the winners wait until we can get the prize out to them.”

Donate directly to keep Zombiepalooza on the air here:


Zombiepalooza airs every Friday from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. on, and Chin said her show delves into the subject of zombies in ways that no one can hear about anywhere else.


Save Zombiepalooza Teespring Campaign

     Zombiepalooza Radio is probably one of the most unique radio programs on or off the internet. Although most of the material is zombie themed the actual content is about the authors, actors, musicians, artists and the entire spectrum of entertainment venues this encompasses.
     If you’ve been a guest on Zombiepalooza, you know that they don’t do it for the money. They do it because they have a sincere desire to support the artistic community at large.
     They’ve helped so many of us gain exposure, all the while footing the entire cost of show production themselves. Let’s ‘get our zombies on’ and give a little back.


(photo above is actual tee design (but not actual tee size…))

LOVE the finished cover for the V Foundation Charity Anthology. So glad I had an opportunity to be a part of this! Please, check out the website: All proceeds from the Charity Anthology: “Let’s Scare Cancer to Death” benefit the V Foundation. Keep an eye on May December Publications (facebook: for release information!

Claire C Riley's: Odium Origins

It feels like an eon since I read Riley’s jaunt into zombie culture- Odium- yet, it is a testament to her writing strength that exploits of each character within came flooding back during my read of Odium Origins.

One of the most surprising characters stories was the first entry in Odium Origin: Crunch’s background. The story itself wasn’t surprising to me; I expected as much about Crunch. Frankly, I loathed her in Odium. What surprised me is, as much as I fought the feeling, I ended up feeling sympathy for her. I find the mark of a skilled writer is the ability to cause a paradigm shift in unwilling consumers. I still dislike Crunch, but I can’t find it in myself to loathe her anymore, because underneath all the bluster and anger, is a scared girl with lost promise that wants a kind word and a look of recognition from a parent. I was also glad to get the backstory on the Crunch & Mikey relationship dynamic; it’s easy to see how it deteriorated, but there are also hints that Crunch was feeling something beyond the casual tête-à-tête.

Duncan’s story is a disturbing look at human response to extreme circumstances, a reminder that the mild-mannered business man can do the unspeakable in pursuit of survival. One thing about an honest man: the truth of past actions will haunt. Steve and Jane give you another look at personalities and how they determine response: a laid back couple, encountering the strange, the dangerous- head for the hills and bunker down in each other’s arms, fortifying for safety, survival and trying to forget the plight of the world beyond the camper.

I have a new-found appreciation for JD; the story Riley has crafted in Odium Origins for him is tragic and painful, but JD is a protector and even when he fails to save that which is most precious to protect, he finds the will to move on and the determination to protect others despite his great losses.

Odium Origins is a wonderful companion set of stories to Odium. Read it before, after or simultaneously with its parent book; you won’t be disappointed.